Vemma Unveils Rebranded Verve Product Line

Vemma has updated the Verve brand packaging to better align with the company's modern, premium and healthy look and feel. Rebranding projects included both Verve Energy Drink and Verve Energy Shot.

After four successful years and the sale of 24 million cans, Verve Energy Drink remains the same popular, great-tasting product it has been since its inception – now with a fresh packaging makeover for both low natural sugar and sugar-free varieties. In addition, Verve Sugar Free was renamed Verve Zero Sugar, a more desirable and modern term as indicated by market research and Vemma Brand Partner feedback. The new Verve Energy Drink can designs will debut in September.

In addition to packaging updates, Verve Energy Shot underwent a reformulation. Enhancements to the product include:

One low-carb formula to replace the regular and sugar-free varieties A sleek 2-oz. serving size A revolutionary new flavor Increased natural caffeine to 160 mg, which is about the amount found in 2 cups of coffee A 24-bottle Fridge Brick® box to replace the 12-bottle display box A QR code on the label and packaging that links to the Verve Energy Shot web page for improved marketing capabilities A clean, fresh, and predominantly white design that signifies healthy energy

The new Verve Energy Shot will launch in the United States, Australia, New Zealand and Japan on August 1.

Vemma Brand Partners were an integral part of the rebranding efforts. The company conducted Social Media campaigns to solicit feedback from among its 23,600 Facebook® fans. Brand Partners were asked to choose their favorite of five design options and provide feedback about the rebranding efforts. The result is a bright, fresh and healthy look that reflects the brand's core values.


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